Bonney Collection by Loloi

Our Loloi Booney Rugs Come in Many Different Shades & Patterns

Shop the Loloi Bonney Collection Today!

The Loloi Bonney collection features classic and traditionally understated design patterns in a muted palette of blues, grays, tan and earth colors. These expensive-looking rugs are weathered and artificially worn to look like antiques, and bring a traditional and refined aesthetic to any space in your home. A Loloi Bonney rug is a perfect addition to a minimalist and artistically designed living room, a comfortably elevated bedroom, or any other beautiful space in your home that could use a bit of subtle texture and an artistic pop.

This collection emphasizes what Loloi does best: bringing the classic and traditional designs of India and Turkey into modern homes. While in the past you had to search through a middle-eastern market to find the kind of traditionally patterned rugs that kings and sultans enjoyed, today you can order them online with Loloi.

The Loloi Bonney collection is the perfect example of Loloi's mission: A Loloi Bonney rug brings the classical designs of the past into the modern era by recreating these rugs with power-looms and weathering the designs to create the aesthetic look that formerly took dozens or hundreds of years of wear. A Loloi Bonney rug is a beautiful piece of art and culture that won't overwhelm a room. Instead, it supports the other design elements with a conservative and understated grace that makes family, friends, and guests feel at home in the spaces you design.

Add a Loloi Bonney rug to your favorite place in your home, and see how it affects you and the room. With excellent customer service and our 30-day return policy, it's easy to order from the collection and have the right rug for you when you arrive home. If you are looking for a rug with more distinct patterns and more color variations to choose from, check out a Loloi Skye rug. These designs have the same classical and traditional roots, with less weathering and more pronounced patterns and shapes.

If you want to bring a traditional style and aesthetic to elevated spaces in our home, without going over budget or buying something that will wear out overnight, shop the Loloi Bonney collection and find the rug that is right for you.

What Loloi Bonney Rug Should I Buy?

When considering which Loloi Bonney rug to buy from Payless Rugs, there are several factors to consider. First, assess the dimensions that are needed for your space. Measure the area where you are going to place the rug in your home or office to ensure a proper fit. Keep in mind that you also need to consider the style and color scheme of your room. Loloi Bonney rugs come in various designs, ranging from traditional to more contemporary, and in an array of colors to go with any decor.

Think about the material that best suits your lifestyle and preferences. Loloi Bonney rugs are crafted from high-quality materials like wool, polyester, and polypropylene, each offering its own unique benefits, such as durability, softness, and ease of maintenance. Consider factors like how much foot traffic there will be and if you have pets or children when choosing the material.

Be sure to set a budget and stick to it. Payless Rugs offers a wide range of Loloi Bonney rugs at different price points, allowing you to find one that aligns with your financial situation while still meeting your aesthetic and functional needs.

By considering these factors, you can confidently choose the perfect Loloi Bonney rug from Payless Rugs to enhance your living space. Order yours today!